Sunday, March 27, 2011

You'll Find That Life is Still Worthwhile...If You Just Smile!

Adele, Paul, Me, and Maggie
So, yesterday was an amazing day - really crazy, but quite awesome. There is an Indian festival called Holi, which is celebrated by the throwing of colors - in India, this means liquid dyes and colored chalk. In Utah, at the Hare Krishna temple in Spanish Fork, they celebrated the color festival and invited everyone to come join in the fun! After showering, shampooing multiple times, and washing my face over and over, I still have some chalk that doesn't want to come off! It was a really, really fun experience, and I'm so glad that I went. Actually, I went twice. I left at 9:30am with some freshman friends of mine, and we stayed till the early afternoon. Morgan wasn't able to come in the morning, but she wanted to go - so we went in the evening! The festival lasts two days, and it's really a cultural experience. People were crowd surfing, there was a giant mosh pit, bands playing super loud music (and all the lyrics were "hare krishna" chants...), Indian food, and SO MUCH CHALK! For me, it was good to just spend a couple hours and then head out - after a while, I get anti-social in large crowds. This is definitely an experience I would recommend to anyone who has the opportunity to go to one of these festivals. Do wear clothing that you don't really care if it gets super dirty. We were sliding down mud hills and getting colored from the moment we stepped foot on the temple property.

Things to smile about:

Being covered in chalk
"Life is Beautiful"
Carissa's team winning some of their VB games!
Getting strange looks from people in stores (while still covered in chalk)
New movies
Almost done fasting
Italy meetings

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Gracefulness continues

Yesterday I had to go back to the hospital for a follow up tilt table test. They were hoping that it would be a boring test, with not much going on and I'd be upright the whole time. This did not happen. The results were better this time though! Instead of passing out in 3 minutes, I passed out in 7. There was no gap in my heartbeat this time, and my heart rate didn't get as low as last time! So these were definite improvements and the doctor was happy with them.

But there are more things to smile about!

Improved tests
Learning to make strange noises
Sleeping In!
Having the house to myself 
Beautiful Weather


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