Friday, July 17, 2009

Grand Anticipation

So, as of today, three of the kids I've had for the last four weeks are no longer in my class, and the class will grow substantially between now and next Wednesday (I've got seven now, and will have close to twenty next week). We have a four-day weekend starting today, and then start again on Wednesday morning thirty minutes later than we have been! Oh how wonderful those extra few minutes of sleep will be!

Recently, project has been very eventful, and though tiring, it's awesome! I went camping for the first time ever last weekend, and loved it! I want to experience camping with a smaller group before going with a large group again. Some pictures from camping and our hike in Rocky Mountain National Park are below.

My first camping trip -- six person tent!

Absolutely Beautiful Scenery at RMNP!
That's probably one of the biggest things that's happened in the last few weeks, besides the gigantic Independence Day Bash that we had, that was fun. Although, I wished I could have been celebrating with my family because it was my Grandma's 90th birthday, and I wasn't able to be with them, for the first time that I could remember.
At the end of our camping trip, all of the staff members who had been directing the project's many areas: ministry teams, Bible Studies, Financial things, etc. left!!! They passed on the leadership of the project to the students and gave us responsibilities in each of the areas they had previously been leading. There's a group of 5 students that are working as directors, associate directors, and operations leadership. Then twelve students, two boys and ten girls are leading small group Bible Studies, and all the ministry teams have two co-leaders for each group working to make all the rest of our events run smoothly.
About a week before the staff members left, my Bible study leader approached me before a project training meeting and asked me if I'd be willing to lead my Bible Study group. We had our first "sans staff" small group on Monday night and I loved it! It was so great to be able to facilitate a discussion about spiritual things with girls who I feel connected with, instead of it being just a random group of strangers getting together to have awkward conversations. Even when we'd get off track, we were always able to bring it right back to what we were initially talking about. I love watching God work in that way. It's been awesome to be here and be so challenged to grow and lead. Yay!
Now it's time for a restful and fun weekend before starting back up on Wednesday!

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