Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Summer Project, The Saga Continues

Ok. Well, I know I promised an update on Monday, but with late nights and early mornings, I felt sleep was a better alternative. Plus, today was our first field trip, and I have more to talk about today than I would've yesterday!

The kids have pretty much settled in to our classrooms by now. Our class finally made up a song/chant either Friday or Monday, I forget which. They're really enjoying it...all the other classes would get into "volume fights" while walking in the halls, but we didn't have anything to yell, so we couldn't participate. Yay for theme songs. Ours, when sung correctly sounds like the tune of "George of the Jungle", however we don't always sing it right. :-)

As mentioned earlier, today was our first field trip. The 4th - 6th graders went to The Pizza Farm, and the 1st-3rd graders went to the Discovery Science Center/Ft. Collins Museum today. It was a lot of fun, but also a lot of keeping track. My girls didn't want to stay together at the beginning, but after the first few minutes they caught on and we had a great time walking around and looking at the exhibits/playing with the hands on ones. Andrew had our three boys, and I took our three girls for the afternoon, and we met back up at the end. I think everyone had a good time!

As far as the Foot of the Rockies project goes, everything is going well. I'm glad that I'm here, and God really has me going through a refining fire right now. I know He couldn't accomplish these things if I was in Salem, because I'd be too focused on other things, so it's wonderful to be here.

I tell you though, mosquitoes must think I'm some sort of delicacy, and I get pretty bad reactions to the bites, which is no fun. Several places on my arms and legs are very swollen due to being bitten by bugs. It's quite annoying. I guess if I'd actually use the mosquito/bug repellent I brought with me, things might improve. I'll try it tonight and the rest of the week and see what happens. I had no idea Colorado was full of blood-sucking insects. Sadness.

I went swimming at a lake this weekend and it was tons and tons of fun! I love doing things in the outdoors, I've got to find more places to go and do these things in and around Salem! I also spent some time at the Ft. Collins Brewfest (yes, that means beer) with our project people and the Young Adults ministry at a local church helping to hand out flyers, etc. for rides back home to people who were drunk or buzzed. I took one of the earlier shifts, so I didn't get to actually be there for any of the rides, but I heard it was pretty eventful, and I enjoyed getting to let others know they had a transportation alternative.

More life news: If you haven't heard the song "By Your Side" by Tenth Avenue North, you should. Just do it. Now. Really, I mean it. I think I've mentioned this before, but I pay very close attention to song lyrics, and this one has very powerful lyrics!

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