In February, I have an amazing opportunity to travel to Swaziland, Africa for 12 days to bless the lives of children in that country. The trip is sponsored by the church that I attend here in Salt Lake City (for more info on them check it out
here), but it's not a trip where our goal is to convert the people and children to Christianity. No, our purpose is to bless the kids, to show them love, and to let them know that there are people who care about them.
The country of Swaziland has one of the highest rates of HIV/AIDS in the world, with 26% of the adult population infected. The country does not have a lot of orphanages for children affected by the disease, so when their parents die or become too weak to get around, these children are essentially left to care for themselves. What the carepoint does in Swaziland is provides food and a place to learn for the children who have no other way of receiving a meal or love. Food is made twice a day by what are referred to as the "Mages" (mothers) and "Gogos" (grandmothers). Those children who go to school are only at the carepoint for one meal, while the younger kids (who walk themselves) will be there for both each day.
the one building on the carepoint facility in Mhkombokati, Swaziland |
Above, you see a photo of the one building at the Carepoint. This is the only location where the children gather in the morning and are taught a simple lesson by a Mage who is not a teacher, but does her best to show the kids love and kindness while helping them learn a basic alphabet, numbers, etc. The rest of the carepoint is open space.
Just recently, water was discovered on the carepoint grounds, and our team is hoping to be able to do something to get the water pumping above ground - giving the kids water and a way to be clean before/after they eat and play. We are also thinking about constructing benches for the mages, gogos, and children to sit on when they are tired. Right now, the only seating is around a tree, on the ground, and in some smaller chairs in the carepoint facility.

This trip matters. It matters because these kids don't know that there are people who love them and want to help them experience a better life, one free from hunger and disease. That is our mission and our reason for going to Swaziland. I first learned about the affects and issues surrounding HIV/AIDS when I was in 7th grade, 10 years ago. For the last decade, I've wanted to go to Africa, to go touch the lives of the people and the children affected by this ravaging disease and show that there is something beyond AIDS. These kids matter. It matters that they're going hungry and living without parents. It matters that there are a few wonderful women who've devoted their lives to helping these kids stay alive. But they can't do it alone, and that's why we send regular support to them. Not only in the form of monetary aid, but with physical teams to do projects and play with the kids, and supplies to help the kids with what they need to go to school.

I can't do it alone. the team can't do it on our own. We need your help. Our first deposit is due in two weeks, and there are three more deadlines after that. Would you consider partnering with me to bless the children in Mhkombokati, Swaziland by sending me a donation of $100 or a different amount that works better for you? By helping to send our team to Africa, you will be making a difference in the lives of these children and those helping them.
I would love to talk more about how you can help or give you an address to send a donation. Please send me an email at, or send me a message on
Facebook (link provided).
Thank you for your support. I look forward to partnering with you to bless the children of Mhkombokati, Swaziland.