Monday, May 3, 2010


We're in Ireland! We finally made it, I never thought we'd get here, or that we'd actually board the plane, but we did, and tomorrow morning we're on our way to the third city on our tour! It's been such a great experience so far, and I'm so glad to get to have it with the awesome people in Chamber Singers! There will be pictures when I get back to the states and my own computer, but for now, suffice it to say that Ireland is entirely beautiful. It reminds me a little of home, with how green it is! Tonight, I was called after by an Irishman outside a pub asking why my skirt was so long (we were walking back from a concert, so I had my choir dress on, of course.) The girls I was walking with found it hilarious, at the time, I did not...It was more embarrassing than anything else.

Well, super early morning this rate it'll be about 5 hours of sleep...eew. I better sign off, I'll probably use my roommate's computers more often now and try to keep updated on what's happening here!

Till we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand!

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